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Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Hi everyone! Welcome to Summer C at the ELI and the inaugural announcement of the CIP Announcements blog :).  Here's to a fun summer!

Noreen (eligator)

Here is the schedule for the first week of Summer C.

Monday May 9: Students check in (nothing for LAs to do unless they are helping with housing and shopping)
Tuesday May 10: Student placement (nothing for LAs to do unless they are helping with housing and shopping)
Wednesday May 11: Campus Tour 9:00-11:00 Jenna and Chris (Please come to the CIP office about 10 minutes early.)
Thursday May 12: (Watch for an email from me on Wed pm about the times and locations for the following activities. They will depend on the class schedule,
                              which cannot be finalized until Wed.)
   LS Teacher/LA meeting in the morning.
                           Orientation and book purchase  (2 hours after the LA/teacher meeting)
                           LS speaking classes will start (probably 2:00-4:00)
Friday May 13: Meeting for all LAs, 2:00-3:00pm, Room TBA
Saturday May 14: Welcome picnic, 12:00 at Broward Beach. (LAs need to be there at 11:45)
Monday May 16: Classes all day as usual

Let me know if you have any questions.


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